Craig Lynch

Program Director

Sgt. Craig Lynch has 26 years of police service on a local Bergen County Police Department. Before that he served two years with the New York City Department of Juvenile Justice. Sgt. Lynch’s military background consists of two full tours as a United States Air Force Military Police Officer. His military career has taken him to all corners of the globe, from North Africa to the Pacific theater. A product of the Hackensack Public School System, he brings logic and life experience to his briefings. Sgt. Lynch is also a New Jersey State and Nationally certified School Resource Officer. Along with his resource officer certification he holds a NJ State Police Training Commission instructor certification. An accomplished public speaker, his efforts extend from the public to the parochial school system. Sgt. Lynch has run programs in Bergen as well as Hudson County.

Rey Sanchez

Technical Supervisor

Rey Sanchez Serves as Auxiliary Police on a local Bergen County Police Department. has 23 years of Information Technology. 12 years of surveillance/Alarm installation. 6 years as a firearms expert with extensive tactical training. Rey is also an NRA instructor and range safety office. product of Newark with street knowledge

Anna Ferris-Geraghty

Program Coordinator

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Center for Student Excellence

Adventure Programs
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Athletics Results
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Student Organizations
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Summer School
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